10-Minute Yoga Routine to Relieve Back Pain Effectively

It is always fun and folly when you are young! You can jump around places without even the slightest of resemblance to pain. However, as you climb up the ladder of age, there are trillions of issues you start to face. There are issues related to your body and even your mind. It’s difficult growing up and being exposed to the dark side of the world. You have to work long shifts to support yourself and take care of your kids and family. Moreover, in this entire ruckus, you have body pain.

One of the most common pains that an adult gets in the back pain. It terrible to experience it as you back is a very active member to keep you moving. There are many things that you can do to relieve this pain, however, they take much of your time. Moreover, the cost of all those exotic massages is high. So how can you release your back pain? Well, the answer lies in the yogic practices of the ancient Indian culture! Do you want to learn yoga to release back pain? Well, here is 10-Minute Yoga Routine to Relieve Back Pain Effectively that you can do anywhere! With this, here are Effective Exercises and Yoga Poses for Pain in the Knee Joint.


10-Minute Yoga Routine to Relieve Back Pain Effectively

Childs Pose (Balasana)


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A simple yet effective pose to ease your spine and back muscles, the child’s pose is a relaxing yoga pose for the back.


  • On the floor, sit in the kneel down position.
  • Join your feet together at the back and keep your knees wide in front.
  • Now breathe in and bend forward to rest your belly in between your thighs.
  • Touch your forehead on the ground and stretch your hands in front.
  • Stay in this position for 30-40 seconds and then slowly get back to the original position.

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Cat-Cow Pose (Marjariasana)


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The cat cow pose a yogic pose that relaxes the mid back muscles and also tones them.


  • Start by kneeling on the mat and keep your arms forward in shoulder width apart.
  • Now inhale and push your chest down with a stretch. Keep your toes curled
  • Hold in the pose, and slowly push your belly up.
  • Create a bend in your spine and exhale as you do this.
  • Now repeat this for 10-12 reps for 4 reps.

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Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


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The dog pose is a great pose to not only relax your back but also your hamstring muscles!


  • Start by keeping your wrists underneath your shoulders and knees below your hips.
  • You can warm up for this by doing the cat-cow
  • Now bend your arms and rest on your elbows.
  • Then walk your legs back and bend down by your shoulders.
  • Keep your spine straight until you do this and rest your head in on the mat.
  • Now lift your tailbone, lift your knees, and rest on your feet with your arms still on the ground.
  • If you want, you can then flex your hams.

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Spinal Twist Pose (Matsyendrasana)


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Do you have pain in your lower back? Then you should definitely twist your lower body in this pose!


  • Lie on the mat and relax your body.
  • Now, lift your right leg and twist your lower body to the left.
  • While doing this, keep your upper body unturned and relax into it.
  • Slowly get back to your original position and repeat the same for the other side as well.
  • You will hear a cracking sound and it will feel relaxing.

 With this, here are 10 Effective Exercises and Yoga Poses for Pain in the Knee Joint!

The Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)


This pose flexes your abdominal muscles along with the back muscles. Also, your quad muscles will feel a stretch and you will feel relaxed after this.


  • Lie down on your abdomen and relax.
  • Then lift yourself by the shoulder and lift your legs towards your head.
  • Then with your hands, hold your feet and pull yourself back creating a stretch.
  • Hold on this pose for 10-20 seconds and slowly relax back to normal pose.

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The Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)


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A personal favorite, this one is an awesome pose which strengths your back, arms legs, and abdomen muscles.


  • Start by lying down on your back and bend your knees bringing your feet near to your hips.
  • Then reverse your hands and place then aside your head.
  • Now lift your hips up and also push your upper body slowly.
  • Balance yourself on your head, then get completely in the pose
  • Hold yourself in this pose for 30 seconds and then slowly bring yourself down.

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Knee To Chest Pose (Pawanmukthasana)


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More than just a back reliever, this pose is useful if you have some constipation issues going on as it flexes the back and the abs muscles.


  • Lie straight on your back in a mat.
  • Inhale and with it lift your knees near your chest.
  • Hold them with your hands and raise your shoulder blades so that your forehead touches your knees.
  • Hold it for 15-20 seconds and then slowly release to the initial position.

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Forward Bend (Passhimottanasana)


This pose should be done after the wheel pose for a complete backstretch.


  • Sit in the ground with your legs open in front of you and knees facing out.
  • Keep your spine neutral and bend forward.
  • You must bend until your forehead touches your knees.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and relax back to initial position.

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The Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)


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One of the best back flexing exercise, the cobra pose relieves your backache with helping you stretch your neck and abs as well.


  • Lie down on a mat with your face downwards.
  • Now, place your palms on the mat alongside your chest.
  • Now push your torso up and stretch your body. Create a stretch in your neck too.
  • Hold in for some seconds and release.

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Forward Bend Standing (Hastapadasana)


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This is a very effective yoga pose for back pain relief and hamstring stretch


  • Stand up straight with your feet close to each other.
  • Now stretch your hands up and bend down and try touching your ankles.
  • Keep your spine neutral in the process.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds and then get back to the initial position.

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We hope these 10-Minute Yoga Routine to Relieve Back Pain Effectively are helpful for you to relieve your back pain! Just remember that excess of anything is danger! So follow these routines for 10 minutes daily and get rid of that killing backaches. Also, see how these practices calm your mind when you breathe in and out properly. With this, here are An Ultimate Guide to getting Rid of Wrinkles Around Eyes!



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