How to Make a Refreshing Drink for a Healthy Digestion

There comes a time when your digestive system needs a reboot and staying hydrated with refreshing drinks that also can benefit your digestive health is key. It also helps that it’s summertime and you’ll be needing to hydrate anyway, and what better way to do that than with delicious summer fruit. Below are drink recommendations to establish healthy digestion.

In order to make the right drink, you need to be sure that you have the right juicer. According to the people who have created a good nature juicer, they believe that juicing your own fruit is the first step to a healthier life. It also helps your body get the nutrients it needs. Consider buying a juicer or smoothie maker to help you make healthy drinks.


How to Make a Refreshing Drink for a Healthy Digestion

Healthy Smoothies

Jumpstart your digestive health and boost your immunity with these delicious and healthy smoothies. Adding a lot of fiber to your diet will increase your blood sugar levels as well as boost your energy throughout the day. Also, your bowel will be feeling much calmer and you’ll say goodbye to unwanted stomach aches.

Nutty Apple And Prune Smoothie

Prunes are known to aid indigestion as they’re full of dietary fiber, so adding them to a hearty smoothie will be extremely beneficial. Apples are also rich in fiber and help with reducing inflammation. Yogurt is rich in pro-biotics that help give back the gut healthy bacteria. For an individual smoothie, add one chopped and unpeeled apple along with fresh prunes. But remove its seed first. Then add one cup of unsweetened yogurt, a pinch of cinnamon, and 1TBsp of Almond butter. Mix everything in your juicer, pour into your glass, and enjoy!

Yellow And Green Smoothie

Using this delicious smoothie with green and yellow ingredients will boost your digestive health. Bananas are rich in potassium that balances your digestion and restores your electrolytes, while pineapples relieve constipation symptoms. Spinach or kale is an excellent source of fiber and aid the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. Add one banana along with a ½ cup of frozen or fresh pineapples with 1 cup of spinach or kale. Follow it with 1TBsp ground flax seed and a ½ cup of unsweetened yogurt. Blend this delicious mix to make a beautiful and tasty smoothie.

Lemon Mint Juice

Lemons are not only high in vitamin C, but they also create digestive enzymes and reduce bowel inflammation. Mint leaves are also known for their endless, soothing benefits to the bowel. Wash 3-4 lemons well, then chop them up and add them to your blender with a handful of fresh mint leaves and some ice. You can add some honey instead of sugar. Mix well and enjoy!

Soothing Herbal Drinks

Herbal teas have the power to nourish your body inside and out as well as soothe your digestive system. Ginger is an antiviral herb that gets rid of toxins in your body and stimulates circulation. Lemon also helps to ease colon spasms as well as reducing inflammatory symptoms. In order to make your own ginger-lemon tea, use around 2 teaspoons of loose tea leaves and brew them in 100C degree water for 2-3 minutes. Be sure to add them in a tea strainer first. You can also use fresh ginger and lemon slices and allow them to brew for 10 minutes. You can add a multitude of other infusions that will aid digestion in your tea like fresh mint leaves.

Detox Water

Detox water will not only help you hydrate, but it will also benefit your gut greatly. They’re also known to boost energy levels as well as rid your body from toxins. You can add any healthy ingredient to your water bottle and drink all day. Lemon slices and/or mint leaves can help drastically by soothing your upset bowel, adding 2-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar also improves digestion and your metabolism, and cucumbers are rich in fiber, promoting a healthier bowel.

Drink Up!

As the old saying goes, “Your body is a temple.” So it’s highly necessary to take care of what we put into our bodies in terms of food and drinks. Look up the types of fruit and vegetables that will aid digestion and go crazy with juicing. You need to enjoy your summer without feeling bloated or cramped.



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